
This article deals with selection criteria and installation rules for low voltage surge protection devices (SPDs). It should be read in conjunction with Part 1, which deals with surge protection components and power systems. Secondary functions such as failure state indicators or remote information should be considered, but the main target must not be forgotten, namely protection. In this respect, selection rules for the various SPD parameters are given as a function of their impact on the level of protection obtained. SPDs for data networks are introduced, in particular when both types of network need to be protected for a single equipment item.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Alain ROUSSEAU: Engineer, Ecole Centrale de Lyon - DEA in Electrical Engineering - Chairman of the International Lightning Arresters Standardization Committee (IEC SC37A) - President SEFTIM, Vincennes, France
The first article Low voltage surge arresters. Components. Réseaux basse tension
In recent years, knowledge of surge voltages and low-voltage networks has accelerated. The current state of knowledge in this field is presented in
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surge protective device | electrical installation | installation rules | secundary functions
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Low-voltage surge protectors
Software tools
JUPITER: lightning risk analysis software in compliance with NF EN 62305-2, SEFTIM, France.
Lightning Protection Association http://www.apfoudre.fr/
SOS lightning http://seftim.com/?page_id=1405
Standards and norms
- Low-voltage arresters – Part 11: Surge arresters connected to low-voltage systems – Requirements and test methods. - NF EN 61643-11 - 05-2014
This standard covers arresters for low-voltage AC networks. Specific versions for DC applications are under development (IEC 61643-31 for arresters for photovoltaic applications and IEC 61643-41 for other DC applications. In Europe, there is already a standard for...
ICPE Order: Order of May 11, 2015 amending a series of ministerial orders to take into account the new nomenclature of classified installations for environmental protection coming into force on 1 er June 2015 as part of the transposition of Directive no. 2012/18/EU of July 4, 2012. This decree imposes lightning risk analyses on certain classified facilities, and depending on the...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
French manufacturers are members of GIMELEC and IGNES.
Installers are members of the FFIE.
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
GIMELEC – Groupement des industries de l'équipement électrique, du contrôle-commande et des services associés
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