5. Acoustic and thermal performance of steel envelopes
As explained above, double-skin cladding and sandwich panels were developed in the 1970s in the wake of the oil crises, as a solution to the thermal insulation needs of industrial buildings.
As techniques and regulations have evolved, the need for insulation has gradually increased for all types of building, with ever more stringent requirements and more ambitious targets, such as low-energy buildings (BBC) and positive-energy constructions planned for 2020.
One of the advantages of steel envelopes is the thinness of the walls. They are empty of heavy materials and can be filled with insulation without drastically increasing their thickness.
Alongside thermal requirements, acoustic requirements have also become more stringent over the last thirty...
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Acoustic and thermal performance of steel envelopes
Standards and norms
- Tôles et bandes en aciers de construction galvanisées à chaud en continu destinées aux bâtiments. AFNOR - P 34-310 - 1994
- Tôles et bandes en acier galvanisées prélaquées ou revêtues d'un film organique calandré destinées au bâtiment. AFNOR - P 34-301 - 1994
- Hot-rolled structural steel products – Part 5: Technical conditions for atmospherically improved steels - EN 10025-5 - 2005
Arrêté du 30 juin 1999 relatif aux caractéristiques acoustiques des bâtiments d'habitation. JO n° 163 du 17 juillet 1999 page 10658. NOR : EQUU9900634A.
Arrêté du 25 avril 2003 relatif à la limitation du bruit dans les établissements d'enseignement. JO n° 123 du 28 mai 2003 page 9102, texte n° 11.
Arrêté du 25 avril 2003 relatif à la limitation du bruit dans les établissements...
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