
This article deals with self-compacting concrete mixes which are high fluidity concrete offering great advantages in terms of placing easiness and social and economic impacts, since they don’t require any energy input for their compaction.
They need a detailed characterization of their mix design, specified in NF EN 206/CN standard and AFGC guidelines, so as to ensure the final quality of concrete works performed with that concrete type.
b&rThen, they provide also at hardened state improved properties in comparison with ordinary vibrated concrete.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
François CUSSIGH: Head of Concrete Materials Engineering Department - VINCI Construction France
Self-placing concretes (SCC) are the latest development in concretes used for building and civil engineering structures.
Their very high fresh-mix fluidity offers multiple advantages in terms of ease of use and socio-economic impact, with a significant reduction in the drudgery of concreting workers and the elimination of noise generated by the usual vibration equipment used to compact ordinary fluidity concretes (BAPs do not vibrate).
In terms of the quality of the concrete used (strength, durability, aesthetics), their potential is also superior to that of conventional concretes, which are highly dependent on the know-how of the workers involved. In fact, it was to solve these problems of workmanship that BAPs were developed in Japan in the late 1980s.
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Concrete | standardization | self-compacting concrete | ouvrability | homogeneity
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Self-levelling concretes
- Béton Spécification, performance, production et conformité - NF EN 206/CN - décembre 2014
- Self-compacting concrete – Abrams cone spread test - NF EN 12350-8 - novembre 2010
- Self-compacting concrete – Funnel flow test - NF EN 12350-9 - novembre 2010
- Self-compacting concrete – L-box flow test - NF EN 12350-10 - novembre 2010
- Self-compacting concrete – Sieve stability test - NF EN 12350-11 - novembre...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AFGC – French Civil Engineering Association http://www.afgc.asso.fr
BIBM – Bureau international du béton manufacturé – European Federation for Precast Concrete Industry ...
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