
This article gives the regulation on products that implement cryptography. In France cryptology has always been regulated. Hopefully, in 35 years, the regulation moved from prohibition to free usage. Law for confidence in IT economy of June 21, 2004 settles the free usage.
However, importation, supply and exportation of cryptographic goods remain regulated. In addition, France is not the only country that regulates these activities.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Nicolas MAGNIN: Legal specialist in SSI
The science of secrecy is no different. For a long time, cryptology was the preserve of the military before it was made available to the general public. Today, everyone uses it without even realizing it: in computers, cell phones, and tomorrow in household appliances...
Since the 1970s, this mysterious science has become part of our daily lives, almost without our knowing it. The regulations that accompany it have also undergone profound changes.
Before 1970, everything to do with cryptology was forbidden. Today, many things are authorized, provided the rules are respected. Regulations governing the supply, use, import and export of cryptology are mandatory. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in sanctions.
That's why we need to take a close look at the various rules governing the use and exchange of cryptographic resources.
For more information on cryptography and security services, please refer to the article on applied cryptography
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Cryptology regulations
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National Agency for Information Systems Security
(ANSSI) http://www.ssi.gouv.fr
The Wassenaar Arrangement
Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle...
Articles 29 to 40 of the law for confidence in the digital economy n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 JORF n° 143 of June 22, 2004 page 11168 ;
Décret n° 2007-663 du 2 mai 2007, pris pour l'application des articles 30, 31 et 36 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l'économie numérique et relatif aux moyens et aux prestations de cryptologie (JORF du 4 mai 2007) ;...
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