
This article presents the fundamental physics of solid-state laser-type materials, including the basis of laser action and the optical and electronic properties of laser materials. The main parts deal specifically with solid-state laser-type materials such as inorganic crystals and glasses doped with transition metal and rare earth ions: background, energy level diagrams, population of energy levels, inversion of population, 3- and 4-level schemes, absorption and emission mechanisms, spontaneous and stimulated emissions, amplification, the laser resonator, optics of Gaussian laser beams, and modes and coherence of laser beams.
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Georges BOULON: Professor - Institut Lumière Matière, CNRS 5306 Joint Research Unit - Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Lyon, France
This article on the fundamentals of solid-state laser sources is associated with three other articles on crystalline luminescence applied to laser sources
Its aim is to introduce the subject of solid-state laser sources and to describe the main physical parameters, mainly optical, needed to understand how they work.
We define the vocabulary for basic concepts such as optical pumping of crystals and glasses doped with active ions, the main elements of a laser source, absorption and emission transitions of active centers, the population of energy levels and particularly 3- and 4-level systems applied to lasers, the Einstein coefficients of absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated (or induced) emission, absorption and emission cross sections, and the lifetime of an energy level. Finally, for the resonant cavity, we define the intensity emitted by the laser beam, Gaussian beam optics, spectral characteristics, modes and coherence.
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energy level diagrams | laser materials | dopant ions | laser cavity | coherence
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Solid-state laser sources. Foundations
- (1) - Les Lasers et Leurs Applications Scientifiques et Médicales - Édition C. Fabre et J. P. Pocholle, Les Éditions de Physique (Paris) (1996). 1.1 C. FABRE, Les Lasers – Principes Fondamentaux, pp. 1-40. 1.2 G. BOULON, Matériaux pour Lasers à Solide, pp. 259-286. 1.3. H. MONERIE, Fibres optiques dopées et applications, - pp. 357-382....
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