
Metrology is a cross-disciplinary field in research, which should be able to answer to more and more complex needs, aware of scientific and technological evolutions, and directly of innovation up-front. Metrology is a key element for security and safety of persons and in support to industry competitiveness.. The present article gives information on metrology research programmes, initiated in 2007 by the European Commission, the future and examples of impact given by those programmes, impacts possible because of a better coordination within Europe of metrology researches.
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Maguelonne CHAMBON: Director of Scientific and Technological Research Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais (LNE), Paris, France
Since the 19th century, science and technology have undergone, and are still undergoing, impressive and incredible developments that are changing our lifestyles and habits, enabling ever-faster technical developments and establishing new modes of global exchange, particularly for trade and the economy. This technological boom also raises many questions about the future, particularly with regard to energy and environmental challenges, climate change, and health-related issues such as biological and medical research. Added to this is the continuing exploration of the world of nanos, the infinitely large (with space research) and the expansion of digitization.
To enable these advances, to meet new challenges, to create a safer world, to support the competitiveness and productivity of companies, and to ensure the health and safety of people, it is essential to have reliable and indisputable references for all measurements. This is what all national laboratories working in the field of metrology worldwide are trying to do, to assure users, whoever they may be, that their measurements are indisputable, and therefore traceable to an internationally recognized reference. Fields such as biology and medicine are also increasingly concerned, as the results of analysis or imaging measurements can have important consequences for our survival, diagnosis or therapy, not to mention the economic cost to social security of each prescription.
Like all fields of research, metrology requires time and resources. With the field of possibilities growing exponentially, governments are not in a position to meet all the challenges, even with the best will in the world. Aware of this issue, and of the importance of metrology to Europe's competitiveness, to human health (with an ageing population), to security (particularly with the significant development of digitization in all fields), and to the development of space activities, the European Commission has been studying the feasibility of metrology research programs since 2005. The aim is to pool and coordinate resources in order to go further and respond more rapidly to expressed needs. In addition, this increased collaboration between laboratories has enabled new subjects to be developed and new scientific and technical performances to be achieved.
Since 2007, the EC and its Member States have committed a total investment of around one billion euros to metrology research. The aim is to provide a real response to economic and social issues, to new challenges such as energy independence and climate monitoring, and to strengthen Europe's position on the international stage. It's a story that has required step-by-step construction, mutual trust between the various players - national metrology institutes and the European...
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article 185 | EMRP Programme | | EURAMET e.V | Horizon Europe
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European metrology research programs
International Bureau of Weights and Measures http://www.bipm.org
French national metrology network. International organizations https://metrologie-francaise.lne.fr
EURAMET https://www.euramet.org
26th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) https://www.bipm.org/fr/cgpm-2018/
Standards and norms
- Exigences générales concernant la compétence des laboratoires d'étalonnages et d'essais. - ISO/CEI 17025 - 2017
Commission Directive (EU) 2019/1258 of July 23, 2019 amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical progress, the Annex to Council Directive 80/181/EEC as regards the definitions of base SI units.
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