
Emerging pollutants are substances that are detected in the environment, but which are currently not included in routine monitoring programmes and whose fate, behaviour and (eco)toxicological effects are not well understood but they represent a potential risk for ecosystem and human health. There is a need for sensitive and selective analytical techniques for their identification and measures. The present paper reviews the most advanced techniques developed in this field, based on the hyphenation of chromatography and mass spectrometry. The introduction of high resolution mass spectrometry allows to achieve multiresidual screening of water samples and to identify unknown compounds which are unexpectedly present in the aquatic environment
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Stefano POLESELLO: PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Milano - Senior Scientist at CNR-IRSA (Water Research Institute), Brugherio, Italie Via del Mulino 19, 20861 Brugherio (MB), Italy
The emission of unregulated “ new ” or “ emerging ” contaminants has become an environmental problem, and there is agreement that regulations need to be introduced. These contaminants are used every day in large quantities, such as pharmaceutical products for medical or veterinary use, personal care products, surfactants and residues, plastics and various industrial additives. One of their specific characteristics is that they do not necessarily need to persist in the environment to have a damaging effect, because high transformation/elimination rates can be offset by their continuous introduction into the environment. Emerging substances in the environment are not necessarily new chemical compounds. These are substances which have been present in the environment for a long time, but their effects have only just recently been understood. Data about emerging substances are often rare and, more often than not, analytical methods are still at the research and development stage or have not yet been harmonised at the European level. This situation means it is hard to interpret and compare the results obtained by different laboratories, and this presents a major difficulty for the organisations responsible for regulation when it comes to decision-making.
This article takes stock of the analytical techniques currently available or in development for determining emerging pollutants in the environment. It summarises what those contaminants are, giving examples of the most commonly analysed substances, with a detailed description of various techniques in use at this time, distinguishing between the different stages (extraction, separation, detection).
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analytical chemistry | emerging pollutants
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Analytical Techniques for Emerging Pollutants
Norman Network http://www.norman-network.net
Norms and standards
Italian water standard : Valsecchi, S., Mazzoni, M. and Polesello, S. (2013). Analisi multiresiduale LC-MS mediante arricchimento in linea del campione (on-line SPE/UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) per la determinazione di acidi perfluoroalchilcarbossilati e perfluoroalchilsolfonati nelle acque dolci naturali, Notiziario dei Metodi Analitici, vol. 1, pages 2-12, year 2013
Décision 2002/657/CE de la Commission du 12 août 2002 portant modalités d’application de la directive 96/23/CE du Conseil en ce qui concerne les performances des méthodes d’analyses et l’interprétation des résultats, Official Journal of the European Communities. 17.08.2002, L 221/8, (2002)
Directive 2000/60/CE du Parlement et du Conseil établissant un...
Laboratories – Universities – Research departments (non-exhaustive list)
Centre Commun de Recherche JRC-IES
University of Minnesota Pathway Prediction System, UM-PPS http://www.umbbd.ethz.ch/index.html
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