1. Water intended for human consumption: origin and vulnerability of resources
Water intended for human consumption (EDCH) is primarily groundwater or surface water. Under certain conditions, seawater can be used after desalination.
1.1 Groundwater
Groundwater is normally well protected by the soil and therefore rarely polluted by human activities. However, there are more and more cases of anthropogenic pollution, notably by nitrate ions, residues of plant protection products (or their metabolites), chlorinated solvents or other contaminants (perchlorate ions, for example, more recently in France)
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Water intended for human consumption: origin and vulnerability of resources
- (1) - UNICEF - The state of the world's children 2000 - (1999) http://www.unicef.org/sowc00
- (2) - RISEBRO (H.), DE FRANCA DORIA (M.), YIP (H.), HUNTER (P.R.) - Intestinal illness...
Standards and norms
Standards compendium
Products for the treatment of drinking water – 2 volumes Volume 1: mineral substances – Volume 2: mineral carriers, compounds, organic carriers 1648 p. (2000).
- Water quality – Sampling – Part 1: Guidelines for the design of sampling programs and techniques, AFNOR - NF EN ISO 5667-1 - 2007
- Water quality – Sampling...
French regulations
Public Health Code
Legislative provisions: articles L. 1321-1 to L. 1321-10 and articles L. 1322-1 to L-1322-13
Regulatory provisions: articles R. 1321-1 to D. 1321-68 and R. 1321-69 to R-1321-97
Law no. 92-3 of January 3, 1992 on water (JORF no. 3 of January 4, 1992)
Law no. 2004-806...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AFNOR http://www.afnor.org
Légifrance (regulatory texts) http://legifrance.fr
ANSES http://www.anses.fr
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