
Pressurized water reactors (PWR) constitute the largest majority of nuclear reactors worldwide. Within the primary circuit of such equipment, light water used as a heat transport and moderator medium collects the heat which is produced by the heart. The constructors of such reactors have to provide evidence that their equipment meet the required specifications. These requirements are pre-defined for each mechanical component in compliance with the regulation in order to meet not only normal operating situations but also exceptional or accidental ones. The equipment components of the main primary circuit are submitted to intense stress and corrosion deformations which are the consequences of the evolution of their characteristics under high temperatures and neutron radiation.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Daniel DESTRE: Deputy Head of Department, Steam Generators, Exchangers and Tanks, AREVA NP
Jean-Pierre IZARD: Primary Components Department, AREVA E
The primary equipment of the PWR pressurized water reactor includes :
the tank ;
internal equipment made up of two sub-assemblies: lower internals and upper internals;
control clusters and their control mechanisms ;
steam generators ;
primary piping ;
primary pump units ;
the pressurizer and pressure control and overpressure protection devices.
Primary equipment manufacturers have arrived at similar concepts, so we'll confine ourselves to a description of the achievements and practices of the French industry, although we'll mention the most notable differences that can be found abroad.
Given the importance of this equipment for safety, its design, materials of construction, manufacture and associated controls must comply with the RCC-M rules applicable to Class I equipment.
The equipment specification, established for each of them prior to their construction, defines in particular the service conditions, in normal, exceptional and accidental situations (cf. RCC-M vol. I, tome A), in accordance with the applicable regulations.
At the time of writing, the regulatory text applicable in France to primary equipment pressure vessels is the ESPN (nuclear pressure equipment) decree of December 12, 2005. In particular, it applies to primary equipment for the EPR™, currently under construction in France at the Flamanville site in the Manche département.
In this article:
contents indicated are mass contents ;
power ratings shown are nominal electrical ratings.
The material designations used in this article are those of the RCC-M. The RCC-M uses a different symbolism from the AFNOR standards to designate materials that are nevertheless related. This is justified by the fact that the requirements of the RCC-M are sometimes significantly different from those of the AFNOR standards.
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Construction of PWR plants
ESPN (Équipements sous Pression Nucléaires) decree of December 12, 2005 on the application in France of pressure vessels to primary equipment.
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