
An existing bridge can over time and for various reasons of ageing and material corrosion or design errors, present disorders and be rendered unable to provide service. Or else, the bearing capacity and geometry can turn out to be unsuitable. In both cases, a reinforcement or repair project is imposed to the structure. This article starts by defining the terms linked to the domain of repair and reinforcement of bridges. the various stages are then described as well as the various repair and reinforcement methods for concrete bridges (reinforced and prestressed concrete) integrating the new European standards.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Daniel POINEAU: Ingénieur divisionnaire des Travaux Publics de l'Etat – Former Technical Director of Sétra's Major Structures Division - Professor at the École nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État, the École spéciale des Travaux Publics and the École supérieure des ingénieurs des Travaux de la construction - Consultant
Jean-Armand CALGARO: Engineer General of Ponts et Chaussées - Permanent member of the Conseil général de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable (General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development) - Professor at the Centre des Hautes Études de la Construction - This edition is an update of the article by Roger LACROIX and Jean-Armand CALGARO entitled Projet de renforcement ou de réparation d'un pont, published in 1999.
This dossier, a logical sequel to the articles on "Pathology and assessment of existing bridges" (
An existing bridge was designed to provide a certain service. However, due to design and/or execution errors, ageing materials, environmental attacks, aggressive traffic, accidental actions, etc., the bridge may be in disrepair and no longer provide the intended service. It is therefore necessary to repair or even replace it.
In some cases, the load-bearing capacity and geometry of an existing bridge are no longer adapted to the new needs arising from increased traffic and loads... The structure must therefore be enabled to meet these new services, which in most cases means reinforcing it.
This issue is dedicated to :
define a number of terms related to repair and reinforcement;
detail the various steps involved in a "good" repair and reinforcement project;
develop the various methods for repairing and reinforcing concrete bridges or parts of bridges (reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete).
This last part has been thoroughly revised to take account of the fact that, on the one hand, new methods have been developed and, on the other, European standardization is increasingly replacing French standardization. As a result, the product standards of the P 18-800 series...
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Pathologies and building rehabilitation
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Bridge reinforcement or repair project
Articles and conference proceedings
• ACQPA Association pour la Certification et la Qualification en Peinture Anticorrosion (Association for Certification and Qualification in Anticorrosive Painting)
• AFCAB Association française de certification des armatures de béton (French association for the certification of concrete reinforcing bars)...
Standards and norms
- Ensemble des Eurocodes : calcul des structures en béton armé et précontraint, métalliques et mixtes (voir le site de l'AFNOR). - -
- Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures – Definitions, requirements, quality control and conformity assessment – Part 1: Definitions. - NF EN 1504-1 -
- Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures – Definitions,...
Title II of fascicule 61 of the CPC: Design, calculation and testing of engineering structures (1971).
Titre I du fascicule 67 du CCTG: Étanchéité des ponts-routes support en béton de ciment (1985).
Titre I section II du Fascicule 62 du CCTG : Règles techniques de conception et de calcul des ouvrages et constructions en béton précontraint suivant la méthode des états limites...
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