
The complexity of many geotechnical structures, their interaction with their environment, and the presence of a high risk for their stability can require geotechnical monitoring. Such geotechnical monitoring can range from simple visual inspection to complex automatic real-time remote measurement. Geotechnical monitoring can be applied at different stages in a geotechnical structure’s life. It is a specific field of geotechnical specialists. It is made compulsory by standards in some geotechnical fields.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Laurent BRIANÇON: Lecturer LGCIE – INSA (Lyon, France)
Benoit CAZEAUDUMEC: Engineer Antea Group (Orléans, France)
Bernard PINCENT: Expert
Geotechnical engineering is a vast field covering a wide variety of structures subjected to diverse and varied stresses. The interactions between structures and their environment are often complex, sometimes requiring monitoring during construction and operation.
In some cases, instrumentation can be used to optimize sizing during construction of the structure, known as an observational method. Instrumentation can also be installed on an existing structure where instability is feared; in this case, instrumentation can help to analyze the cause of the disorder, the risk to the structure and to deploy appropriate remedial methods.
Numerous physical parameters can be measured, depending on the type of structure and its interaction with its environment. These parameters are often interrelated, and sometimes require thermo-hydro-mechanical characterization to gain a better understanding of the problem.
Numerous measurement resources are available: in-place sensors or resources that can be mobilized using different technologies: electrical, optical, mechanical, etc.
The general design of a monitoring system is the responsibility of the project manager; as it requires specific skills, it is designed in collaboration with the project's geotechnician.
Geotechnical monitoring is therefore a specific field reserved for specialists with combined instrumental and geotechnical skills. For certain structures, it is considered necessary and is the subject of recommendations, for underground structures or dams for example.
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Geotechnical testing
NF P94-156 (October 1995) Sols : reconnaissance et essais – Inclinometer measurements.
Decree no. 2007-1735 of December 11, 2007 on the safety of hydraulic structures. Journal officiel of December 13, 2007. http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr
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