|- 10 janv. 2020
|- Réf : J2258
bulk solids : behavior, characterization, storage and flow . NEDDERMAN (R.M.) - Statics and... shape of the cohesive arch in hoppers and silos – Some theoretical considerations . PEMBERTON (C... , Hoppers, and Feeders . MATCHETT (A.J.) - The shape of the cohesive arch in hoppers and silos – Some... de cette zone présente une forme de dôme. Elle est qualifiée d’« arche de chute libre » ( free-fall arch...
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- Article de bases documentaires
|- 10 oct. 2017
|- Réf : J3002
: insights into diabetic foot ulcer pathology and the role of transforming growth factor-beta1. . La même... .) et al - Agent-based model of inflammation and wound healing : insights into diabetic foot ulcer... .), CLERMONT (G.) et al - Agent-based model of inflammation and wound healing : insights into diabetic foot...
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- Article de bases documentaires
|- 10 juin 2014
|- Réf : MED8050
des segments CAHOUET (V.), LUC (M.), DAVID (A.) - Static optimal estimation of joint accelerations for... des forces extérieures McCAW (S.T.), DE VITA (P.) - Errors in alignment of center of pressure and foot... .) - Effect of muscle model parameter scaling for isometric plantar flexion torque prediction... .) - Estimates of muscle function in human gait depend on how foot-ground contact is modelled. . Cette méthode...
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