|- 10 avr. 2023
|- Réf : K390
moins conducteur que l’acier DOBERSEK (D.), GORICANEC (D.) - Influence of water scale on thermal flow losses of... à 80 °C DAWSON (J.L.) - Non-chemical water treatment system . . Par ailleurs, Coto et al... crystalline form of calcium carbonate precipitated from artificial sea water. . Les produits de solubilité... .S.) - Influence of water hardness, substrate nature and temperature on heterogeneous calcium carbonate nucleation...
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|- 10 mars 2015
|- Réf : P4242
, water and security in southern Europe and neighbouring countries. QUEVAUVILLER (P.) - Intégration d... change, security and peace : the role of the European Union. . Après cet avènement de la diffusion...
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|- 10 févr. 2022
|- Réf : P4244
GONÇALVES (M.) - A security intelligence approach for risk management in drinking water supply systems... .) - A security intelligence approach for risk management in drinking water supply systems : The view of... a water security plan for drinking water supply van der GAAG (B.), TANCHOU (V.), RAICH (J... .), PITCHERS (R.), HOHENBLUM (P.), WEINGARTNER (A.) - Proposals for a guidance related to a water security...
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