
The photosynthetic growth of microalgae in culture can be combined with biological mitigation of CO2 contained in industrial emissions. This article presents the principles and phenomena involved in this process: the physics and chemistry of carbon dissolution, the link with growth, and the implications for optimized coupling between carbon emission and the culture system. Different carbon feed strategies are detailed, together with their impacts on performance in biomass production, CO2 mitigation and gas cleaning. Finally, various examples of integration are given, illustrating how microalgae can be used to recycle and valorize CO2 from industry.
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Jérémy PRUVOST: Professor at the University of Nantes - GEPEA – UMR 6144 CNRS/Université de Nantes/IMTA/ONIRIS - École des Mines de Nantes/ENITIAA, Saint-Nazaire, France
Benjamin LEGOUIC: Doctor - Research engineer at the University of Nantes - ALGOSOLIS – UMS 3722 CNRS/Université de Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, France
Jean-François CORNET: Professor at SIGMA Clermont - Institut Pascal – UMR CNRS 6602, Aubière, France
Christophe LOMBARD: Doctor - Project Manager and Research Engineer, AlgoSource Technologies, Saint-Nazaire, France
Photosynthetic micro-organisms such as microalgae and cyanobacteria are gaining ground in many application sectors. Thanks to their rapid photosynthetic growth in aqueous media, these microorganisms also offer the possibility of combining their growth with the fixation of CO 2 of industrial origin. However, photosynthetic microorganisms do not have the capacity to assimilate carbon in gaseous form (CO 2,g ). CO 2,g must first be transferred to the liquid phase in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) before it can be assimilated and thus biofixed. This is a major difference compared with higher plants, and has a number of consequences which will be described in this article.
This applies in particular to the physico-chemical dissolution of CO 2,g , which is closely linked to the pH and physico-chemistry of the culture medium in general. Gas-liquid transfer in the culture system is also important, as the low dissolution rate of CO 2,g makes it difficult to implement significant purification of the CO 2,g injected. This has a major impact on the implementation strategy, but also on industrial integration. Thus, carbon biofixation, gas phase abatement and microalgal biomass production are closely linked.
The aim of this article is to present the essential elements involved in this process, as well as the main conclusions drawn from its practical implementation. In the first part, the general principles of photosynthetic growth and its link to carbon are presented. The biological mechanisms of assimilation and conversion are introduced, demonstrating the need to maintain sufficient concentrations of dissolved carbon in the culture medium to avoid the appearance of biological mechanisms leading to a loss of kinetic performance. In the second part, the various theoretical elements required to understand and model the phenomena involved in the physico-chemistry of carbon dissolution, as well as gas-liquid transfer in the reactor, are presented. These elements highlight the particularities of CO 2 , such as the close coupling of dissolved carbon chemistry to culture pH, itself impacting on biological growth reactions. What emerges is a close coupling between various major quantities of the biological process. This is illustrated in a third section for different cases, leading to details of the main carbon supply strategies used in practice, with their respective advantages and disadvantages depending on the objective pursued, such as optimizing biofixation,...
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microalgae | CO2 | mitigation | photosnthetic growth
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Biofixation of CO2 by microalgae
Cyanotech Corporation : http://www.cyanotech.com/
Earthrise Nutritonal: http://www.earthrise.com/
Decision of May 3, 2000 on the definition of "heavy metals": http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2000D0532:20020101:FR:PDF...
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