
This article deals with the implementation of electricity in buildings. The principles of this implementation are detailed with regards to standards, regulation, and certifications in force. The specific rules concerning private dwellings and public buildings are also presented; as well as the distribution of energy by the public distribution network, including the design of electric works and that of civil engineering.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Dominique SERRE: Engineer - Former chairman of the UTE (Union Technique de l'Électricité) U15 commission
In the
This section deals with the implementation aspects:
principles of distribution and protection of people and property;
the different earth connection diagrams (or neutral regimes) ;
choice of pipes ;
assessment of electrical energy requirements ;
energy quality.
This dossier also covers special rules for residential premises and establishments open to the public.
Energy distribution via the public distribution network is covered, both for the dimensioning of electrical structures and for the dimensioning of civil engineering. Detailed rules can be found in the
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implementation | | building | environment | Electricity | Energy | lighting
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The finishing and equipment of the building
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Building electricity
General plant engineering
Establishments open to the public
Residential premises
Apartment buildings
Mandatory electrical diagnosis for sale
Standards and norms
UTE standards
- en révision Postes de livraison établis à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment et alimentés par un réseau de distribution publique HTA (jusqu'à 33 kV). - NF C13-100 -
- High-voltage electrical installations – Rules. UTE. - NF C13-200 - 09-09
- High-voltage electrical installations – practical guide – determining conductor cross-sections and selecting protective...
Building regulations
Order of October 22, 1969 (in application of the decree of June 14, 1969). Obligation to comply with standards NFC 14-100, NFC 15-100, JO du 30 octobre 1969.
Arrêté du 31 janvier 1986 et suivants. Fire protection in residential buildings.
Environment and sustainable development...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
French Lighting Association AFE
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