
With the policy to enable free exchange of construction products within the European Economic Community is associated a technical standard based on jointly adopted requirements: the seven Fundamental Requirements of the Construction Products Regulation. Structural design and calculation rules are the main objectives of the standards, named Eurocodes, which serve to prove conformity of buildings especially to the first requirement: “mechanical resistance”, and partly to the second one: “safety in case of fire”. The case of timber structures is dealt with in Eurocode 5, of which Part 1-2 is dedicated to the calculation of timber subjected to fire. This article presents the main lines of this standard, together with essential contributions related to the assessment of structural performance.
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Jacques Long TRINH: Consultant, ENPC Engineer, Doctor of Engineering - Chairman of the Eurocode 5 Mirror Commission (P 21A), Paris (France)
Fire has always and everywhere been the disaster that mankind dreads. Serious disasters have periodically marked its history. The national authorities responsible for ensuring the protection and safety of the population against natural disasters must therefore lay down rules for prevention and protection, particularly with regard to fire. In the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA), it was decided in the Construction Products Directive (CPD) to draw up common technical standards in this field, as part of the objectives set for Eurocodes standards. This was also an opportunity to draw up and establish new rules for better assessment, both in terms of product performance and reliability, particularly in terms of fire resistance, and in terms of structures, with new design and calculation rules. The latter are revisited on the basis of recent knowledge, and include materials and techniques that have recently appeared on the market. In the case of timber constructions, the rules are set out in standards known as Eurocode 5, Part 1-2 of which is dedicated to the resistance of structures to fire.
In France, the application of these common texts was ratified by the publication of the Arrêté du 11 mars 2011, amending the previous Arrêté du 22 mars 2004 relative à la résistance au feu des produits, éléments de construction et d'ouvrages. After the transition period with the national regulations in force, as of March 11, 2014, only Eurocode 5 (part 1-2) remains applicable.
The purpose of this article is to present the standard, indicating :
its main features;
its objectives ;
its field of application ;
its new products ;
new topics covered ;
the corresponding calculation methods ;
changes from previous rules.
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regulation | design guidelines | timber | scientific computing | standardization | fire resistance | Eurocode 5
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Eurocode 5 – Timber construction – Fire design of structures
Eurocode 5 platform
Standards and norms
- General rules. Part 1-2: General – Fire design of structures. Plus its National Annex. AFNOR. - NF EN 1995 - 2005-2007
- Bases de calcul des structures, et complément A1. Plus son Annexe nationale. AFNOR. - NF EN 1990 - (2003-2006-2011)
- Actions on structures. Part 1-2: General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fire. Plus its National Annex. AFNOR. - NF EN 1991-1-2 - (2003-2005-2007)
- General...
Construction Products Regulation (J.O. de l'Union Européenne le 04/04/2011).
Order of March 14, 2011 amending the modified order of March 22, 2004 relating to the fire resistance of products, construction elements and structures.
NOR : IOCE1107534A
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Annuaire Bois Construction. AFCOBOIS (2011)
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
OPPBT – Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics (Professional...
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