
This process sheet presents a comparison between two models of French grape brandies, which certainly share many similarities in technological operations. However, a major difference characterize them: the distillation method, which is the heart of the process, with on the one hand a double discontinuous distillation with ironing, consequent volumes produced, turnover and planetary influence for Cognac, and on the other simple and continuous distillation, modest volumes produced, turnover and international influence for Armagnac.
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Jean-Luc BOUTONNIER: Retired process engineering and food science teacher, Souel
The spirits family includes a large number of beverages characterized by a relatively high alcohol content, including eaux-de-vie, frequently referred to as "gnole" or "goutte". European regulations define 44 commercial categories of spirits, but exclude spirits produced outside the EU (tequila, baijiu, etc.).
Eaux-de-vie have an alcohol content of over 37.5% vol. but generally do not exceed 45% vol. when marketed. They can be obtained by two technological methods:
alcoholic fermentation followed by distillation, from cereals (whisky), fruits and berries (marc, armagnac, cognac, brandy, kirsch, grappa, slivovitz, schnapps...), cider or perry (calvados), roots (gentian), giant grasses (from pressed cane juice, "vesou", or molasses, the residue from the sugar industry), ethyl alcohol flavored with juniper berries (gin), or from different sources of raw materials such as grains, potatoes, beet (vodka), etc. ;
alcoholic maceration followed by distillation, for eaux-de-vie whose name contains the name of fruits, berries, nuts, plant mixtures, particularly aniseed-flavored ones such as green anise and fennel (wormwood), whether or not partially fermented.
This article compares two of France's flagship spirits, which are grape brandies. Let's be clear from the outset: the gap between these two beverages is huge, between Armagnac on the one hand, and Cognac on the other!
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distillation | still | armagnac | cognac
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Armagnac versus Cognac
- (1) - ANONYME - L'histoire du Cognac. - https://www.cognac.fr/decouvrir/lhistoire/
- (2) - VIRASSAMY (C.) - L'élaboration de l'eau-de-vie d'Armagnac. -...
Decree no. 2014-1642 of December 29, 2014 relating to the appellation d'origine contrôlée "Armagnac", version in force on 03/08/2023.
Arrêté du 10/10/2022 modifiant l'arrêté du 14/01/2022 relatif à l'appellation contrôlée " Cognac " ou " Eau-de-vie de Cognac " ou " Eau-de-vie des Charentes ".
Regulation (EU) 2019/187 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17/04/2019....
Organizations – Federations
BNIA (Bureau...
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