
Classified installations for environmental protection can be operated or owned by any natural or legal person, public or private, and can present hazards or disadvantages. These installations and activities are listed in a nomenclature under a set of headings for hazardous substances and preparations, together with activities that may have a negative impact on health and the environment. This list contains two main categories: (i) a classification according to the type of substance used and (ii) a classification by activity. Each section gives a description of the activity and the threshold levels for which classification has been defined (declaration, declaration with periodic control, registration, authorization subject to obligations).
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Ismahane EL BAHLOUL: IRCA Auditor - Head of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, Veolia
The ICPE nomenclature is a management tool that enables all facility operators, whatever their field of activity (health, industry, agri-food, etc.), to check whether their facilities are listed in this nomenclature, and thus to identify their regulatory obligations with regard to the operation of certain facilities considered as potentially hazardous or inconvenient.
Installations are classified according to a nomenclature:
headings 1000 and 4000: depending on the substances used;
headings 2000 and 3000: depending on the activities carried out.
Thresholds are set for each heading, and when they are exceeded, they trigger the application of specific regulatory requirements (standard ministerial decree or prefectoral decree).
The ICPE nomenclature is the reference document that classifies installations under the :
declaration (D), sometimes subject to periodic inspection (DC) under Article L. 512-11 of the Environmental Code (C) (see articles
and[G 1 017] );[G 4 230] or authorization (A), according to thresholds defined by decree (see article
).[G 1 018]
Installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE) are defined in a nomenclature of classified installations...
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Classified installations for environmental protection (ICPE)
Classified Installations Inspectorate :
Customs (ICPE taxation) :
Légifrance :
Standards and norms
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for use. - NF EN ISO 14001 - 2004
- Développement durable. Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises. Guide pour la prise en compte des enjeux du développement durable dans la stratégie de management de l'entreprise. - FD X 30-021 - 2003
(non-exhaustive list)
Titre I er du livre V du code de l'environnement relatif aux installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement.
Modified decree of May 20, 1953 on the nomenclature of classified installations.
Imperial decree of October 15, 1810 on factories and workshops that emit unhealthy...
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