
This article deals with the fundamentals of measuring and controlling the level of liquids and solids in an industrial context. The basic concepts exposed in the first and second part of this article use the definitions prerequisite for a good implementation: measured level, true height and gauge head, interface, reference plane, etc. The following sections describe the specifics of the level measurement relating to the stored product (tranquilization of liquids, particularities of bulk solids), the criticality of the application (measurement chain, reliability, safety) and its adaptation to environmental conditions (extreme temperatures, external aggressions). Finally, the latest developments in level measurement, in particular in terms of operation and connectivity, are presented.
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Florestan OGHEARD: Technical consultant - Center technique des industries aérauliques et thermiques, Villeurbanne, France
Nothing seems more trivial than level measurement! Alongside temperature, pressure and flow measurements, it's one of the four basic functions performed by industrial instrumentation. However, the multiplicity of methods employed demonstrates that level is, in reality, a more complicated parameter to master than it first appears. The complexity of level measurement is inherent in the concepts involved. Whether it's the different measurands (level, true head, manometric head), the specific features of the stored product (tranquilization of liquids, particularities of bulk solids), the criticality of the application (measurement chain, reliability, safety) or its adaptation to environmental conditions (extreme temperatures, external aggressions), a multitude of parameters need to be taken into account in order to optimize the measurement process. In addition to these purely technical considerations, level measurement can also be used in commercial transactions when purchasing a quantity (volume or mass) of stored product. In this case, legal metrology rules and standards add further constraints that need to be taken into account. The implementation of a level measurement system must respond to a variety of safety, profitability and product quality issues. Level measurement is ubiquitous in industry, and is used in a wide range of applications, from control (automation management, process engineering) to threshold detection (triggering alarms), not forgetting the recording of measurement campaigns for system monitoring and analysis (water tables, dams, rivers, reservoirs, water or fuel consumption, etc.). The industrial sectors most concerned by these applications are the chemical and petrochemical industries, the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries, the water treatment sector and industries linked to energy and raw materials.
This first article introduces the general principles of level measurement and control, which are essential for understanding the following articles:
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measurement | level | height | location
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...Standards and norms
- Radiation protection – Sealed radioactive sources – General requirements and classification - ISO 2919 - 2012
- Tanks for transporting hazardous materials – Tank service equipment – Fill limiters for liquid petroleum fuels - NF EN 13922 - 2011
The catalog of Iso and Afnor standards can be consulted online on the Afnor website: http://www.afnor.fr
Arrêté du 8 juillet 2003 relatif au contrôle métrologique des récipients-mesures. NOR: INDI0301736A
Decree no. 2002-460 of April 4, 2002 on the general protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation.
Decree no. 98-1186 of December 24, 1998 amending decree no. 86-1103 of October 2, 1986, as amended, on the protection of workers against the dangers of ionizing...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Table 1 lists the main manufacturers, classified by measuring system.
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